Welcome to Stadtwerke Emmendingen!
Your energy supply company
The Stadtwerke Emmendingen GmbH is a local electricity, gas and drinking water company that offers fair and transparent tariffs for domestic and business customers across Emmendingen, Denzlingen and South Baden. We also will deliver social, environmental and economic benefits to local people and businesses. We support and invest in renewable energy and provide 100% renewable electricity from hydropower to all our customers.
Our experienced customer care team will understand your energy needs and will look after you. With this guide we will make communication easier, explain technical terms and provide important documents to reduce the impact of language barriers. If you don’t understand a term or statement, please ask for clarification so that we can make sure that you have all the information you need.
Different types of electricity meters – How to read the meter

Electricity meter reading
You can easily recognise the actual meter reading because it always has the units kWh (kilowatt-hours) after it. Read the numbers starting from the Ieft hand side. Please do not include the red numbers.
Electricity meter number
Every electricity meter has a meter number that is uniquely allocated to a consumption point. You can easily recognise the meter number because it usually has the term EnBW Nr. before it. Read the numbers starting from the Ieft hand side.
How to read the gas meter

Gas meter reading
You can easily recognise the actual meter reading because it always has the units m3 (cubic meters) after it. Read the numbers starting from the Ieft hand side. Please do not include the red numbers.
Gas meter number
Every gas meter has a meter number that is uniquely allocated to a
consumption point. You can easily recognise the meter number because it usually has the term SWE before it. Read the numbers starting from the Ieft hand side.
Registering electricity and gas
As a new homeowner or tenant, you must register your electricity and/or gas.
We need the following details:
- Address of consumption point
- Meter number
- Meter reading (on the date of handover of keys)
- Date of meter reading (date of handover of keys)
- Your personal details (family name/first name‚ street, house number, postcode, town)
- Estimated annual consumption, people living in your home or living space in m²
- Bank account (optional)
Please use these forms:
Registration form for electricity (PDF)
Registration form for gas (PDF)
Electricity tariff:
- 100% renewable electricity from hydropower
- No minimum contract duration
- Notice period is 14 days
- Pay on direct debit or by bank transfer
Monthly basic rate: 7,88 Euro
Consumption rate per kWh: 27,92 ct
Gas tariff:
- No minimum contract duration
- Notice period is 14 days
- Pay on direct debit or by bank transfer
Up to a consumption of 10.000 kWh:
Monthly basic rate: 6,95 Euro
Consumption rate per kWh: 6,39 ct
From a consumption of 10.001 kWh:
Monthly basic rate: 5,91 Euro
Consumption rate per kWh: 10,95 ct
All prices include taxes and VAT.
Payment methods
Please fill in the direct debit mandate so that we are entitled to deduct the monthly payments. You can cancel the direct debit mandate at any time.
You can download the form from our website or pick one up from the customer service centre. After you have completed and signed the form, return it by post or hand it in at the customer service centre.
If you are going to pay by bank transfer, it makes sense to set up a standing order including your customer number or contract number in the payment reference.
Please note: There will be no reminder for your monthly instalments! A prompt note will include additional dunning charges.
We will also tell you what your new monthly payments will be for the coming year. If you have any questions about your bill, please mail us. Soon we will also provide a explanation of the bill in english.
Notifying a home move and closing an account
You can close the account by E-Mail (info@swe-emmendingen.de) or in person in our customer service centre.
You will need the following details:
- Address of consumption point
- Customer number or contract number (you will find these on the annual statement)
- New address (please tell us your new address so that we can send the final account)
- Meter number (the meter number can be found on the meter, on your move-in report or energy bill)
- Meter reading on moving day (date of handover of keys)
- Date of meter reading (date of handover of keys)
- Details of new tenant (if known) or owner
After you have closed your account, you will receive a final bill.
Emergency contacts
If you smell gas or detect a gas leak call our standby service on 07641 / 95 99 373 (24 hrs).
Power outage
If you have problems with your electricity supply: First, check the cutout switches and check whether neighbors are affected by power outage. If the entire house or street is affected you need to contact call our standby service on 0800 / 3 62 94 77 (24 hrs).
Customer service
Visit us in person:
The service centre (Am Gaswerk 1, 79312 Emmendingen) is open for customer service 8.30am – 12am from Monday to Friday, 1pm – 4.30pm on Monday and Tuesday, 1pm – 6pm on Thursday.
Write to us at:
Stadtwerke Emmendingen GmbH
Am Gaswerk 1
79312 Emmendingen
Send us an email:
Give us a call:
+49 (0)7641 / 468 99-0
Contact us via WhatsApp:
+49 (0)160 / 948 764 77